Hvor skal man så overnatte på en slik tur? Jo, helst på et B&B eller hotell med en vakker hage og nydelig sitteplass ute. Jeg vil tro at boken "Garden Lovers" er midt i blinken når man planlegger en slik tur, og jeg har akkurat bestilt den.
Forlaget skriver om boken:
"Here is a hand-picked collection of over 100 special places to stay, in England, Scotland and Wales. We bring you hotels, B&Bs, holiday cottages - on islands, estates and organic farms. Take a course with a Chelsea Gold Medal winner in a secluded valley in Wales; discover a luscious plot planted to excite the wildlife (and the senses) in Somerset. And pick up a few tips on the way: how to squirrel-proof bulbs, what to do with conkers, how to pollinate blossom with a rabbit tail on a stick."
Boken kan kjøpes på amazon.co.uk, paperback for £ 13.39.
Hagehilsen fra Vigdis